Busines Partner

 ILearn360™ - Resources

ILearn360's School Management Software presents a significant opportunity for partners looking to enter or expand in the school ERP market. Here are some key points about ILearn360 and its partnership opportunities:

Market Size: With over 200 million schools globally, there is a substantial market for school management solutions. ILearn360's software addresses a real need in this vast market.

Opportunity for Partners: ILearn360 is committed to supporting its partners in marketing the open-source school ERP system. This partnership offers an opportunity for businesses to expand their offerings with a trusted product in a growing market.

Competitive Advantage: ILearn360 stands out in the market due to its suitability, quality, pricing, and after-sales support. It bridges the gap between non-professional solutions lacking support and high-priced solutions that may be unaffordable for many institutions.

Low Risk, High Potential: Partners can tap into the market potential with low risk, thanks to ILearn360's proven track record and comprehensive support system. The partnership programs are designed to align with partners' values and objectives, ensuring a mutually beneficial relationship. By partnering with ILearn360, businesses can leverage a reliable and effective school management solution, cater to the growing demand in the education sector, and expand their market presence with confidence.

Here are some proven benefits of the ILearn360 Partnership Program:

Partner Dashboard: Gain access to an exclusive Partner Dashboard where you can create new instances and configure solutions directly. No technical knowledge is required, making it easier for partners to manage their operations.

ROI Guaranteed: Approximately 80% of ILearn360 partners achieve a return on investment (ROI) within their first year of operation. Some partners have even generated million-dollar incomes with assistance from ILearn360.

Market-Centric Product Engineering: Partners with an OEM license receive 24/7 support from the ILearn360 team. This support and guidance from experts make it easier to reach the market with your products and services.

Flexible Support and Pricing: The partnership program allows you to set the terms and pricing for your product, giving you control over your business. ILearn360's involvement can be confidential if desired, allowing partners to maintain control while leveraging the Campus 365 Student Information System.

24/7 Support: Partners benefit from round-the-clock support from ILearn360, ensuring that any issues or queries are promptly addressed.

Auto Upgrades: As an active partner, you will continuously receive the latest updates and upgrades of ILearn360, keeping your solutions up-to-date with the latest features and improvements. These benefits highlight the support, flexibility, and growth opportunities available to partners through the ILearn360 Partnership Program